Monday, October 27, 2008

Stuff People Like #1,287: Bloggers-as-Authors

Though periodicals and religious podiums are the traditional arenas for expressive opinions, the blogosphere has ushered in a new era of unwanted self-promotion. The blogger-turned-author remains a coveted aspiration among many writers, but the success of this endeavor turns out to be more about niche novelty than writerly quality. Frank Warren, the voyeuristic genius behind PostSecret, has now published four volumes of anonymously submitted confessions, while Stuff White People Like's Christian Lander reportedly received a six-figure sum for the rights to turn his urban anthropology experiment into a book. Though the latter has aroused equal-parts hostility and humor, the bound edition of Lander's observations — which features one of those intentionally quirky covers found at overstocked Urban Outfitters stores — will be available for purchase on July 1st. It now remains to be seen if people will pay for a product they can view online for free.

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